Well, let's get some discussion going then!
(too old to reply)
21 years ago
If anyone's interested in some live Travis shows (I know I was - they are a
great band to see live), then check out www.travishub.com. Some of you are
probably familiar with Direct Connect - you can connect to various hubs, and
share music. Right now the travis hub has about 30 full travis concerts -
ranging from audience to soundboard to radio broadcasts,etc. I think they
said there are 80 more shows on the way. I'm in there, as joemono. I hope
to see you there. And don't worry if you don't have anything to offer (I was
when I started) - everyone is really nice. I started with nothing and now
I've got 20+ shows shared. If you see me in there, message me and I will
give you a download slot.

Also, I just ordered the Japanese version of 12 Memories. Apparently after
Some Sad Song is Definition of Wrong (also available on the Re-Offender
single), and then a song titled "12th Memory." I've seen it listed as an
instrumental track - but I hadn't heard of it until just last week. Anyone
know anything about this? Hopefully I'll get it soon and I can add it to

Andreas Zagelow
21 years ago
My German Edition of "12 Memories" has this "12th Memory", too. Otherwise
the title wouldnŽt make much sense, would it? But itŽs not an instrumental.
I think the track is called "Sad Song" and it is part of the
concert-setlist, too.



"joemono" <***@NOSPAM.msu.edu> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:c0tgg7$u1c$***@msunews.cl.msu.edu...
Post by joemono
Also, I just ordered the Japanese version of 12 Memories. Apparently after
Some Sad Song is Definition of Wrong (also available on the Re-Offender
single), and then a song titled "12th Memory." I've seen it listed as an
instrumental track - but I hadn't heard of it until just last week. Anyone
know anything about this? Hopefully I'll get it soon and I can add it to
21 years ago
Post by Andreas Zagelow
My German Edition of "12 Memories" has this "12th Memory", too. Otherwise
the title wouldnŽt make much sense, would it? But itŽs not an instrumental.
I think the track is called "Sad Song" and it is part of the
concert-setlist, too.
Well, I thought the same thing. In fact, right about when the album came
out, people were calling Some Sad Song the 12th Memory. This makes perfect
sense - and your reasoning is exactly the same as mine.

However, take a look at these links:


Both list the cd has having 14 tracks. The first 12 the same as every other
release - then Definition of Wrong, and a song called "12th Memory."

Anyway - I finally ordered it, and it should be here in a week or two. I can
give everyone a difinitive answer then. (Plus provide the audio on my


21 years ago
Aye you'll have to tell us what its like, how come Japanese editions of CD's
always have extra tracks?
21 years ago
Post by Roddy
Aye you'll have to tell us what its like, how come Japanese editions of CD's
always have extra tracks?
Well, I've read that it's because they want to entice Japanese citizens to
buy Japanese. By given them cooler incentives, the people won't buy the
imports from the UK or the US, even if they could get them cheaper.

As far as Travis goes - the bonus tracks on their last two albums have been
b-sides from the singles. So they were always available. This is the first
(that I know of) where one of the tracks is exclusive to a certain country.

At any rate, I can't wait to hear what this mystery track is. ;)

